Trading is About Probability NOT Expecting Fixed Results – Ep 81

There are a number of different factors that can have an effect on the market. Ultimately, no one can predict or expect something from the future and the slightest event can have a huge impact on the state of the market. Futures trading highly relies on probabilities and statistics. Understanding your probabilities, statistics, and being…

What I Learned From WallStreetBets and $GME – Ep 80

The trading industry has gone through quite a wild ride during the recent r/WallStreetbets and $GME craze. In reality, this was nothing new and the market has seen several "bubbles" in the past. In the latest episode of the Optimus Futures Podcast, our host Matt Z discusses his thoughts and what he learned from the…

What To Consider When You Choose A Time Frame For Futures Trading – Ep 79

Recorded from Matt Z's Futures Trading Workshop held on 2/04/21, Matt Z and several participants discuss factors to consider when choosing a time frame to use when trading futures. Gain insight from real, experienced traders in our weekly webinar series.

Does Contract Size Matter In Futures Trading – Ep 78

The size of your trades dictates your psychology, success or lack of success of your method and your staying power in any given transaction. Recorded from Matt Z's Futures Trading Workshop held on 1/28/21, Matt Z and several participants discuss the importance of contract size in futures trading. Gain insight from real, experienced traders in…

Those Who Control Your Trading Mind – Ep 77

Those who influence you have long-term implications for your success. In this podcast, we discuss the importance of choosing where you gather your information from and who you allow to influence you in the trading world.

How Long Can A Trading Method Last? – Ep 76

Although a trading method can last for a very long time, it's ultimately up to the state of the market as to whether or not it will remain successful. There are a number of things that can be considered as a factor when it comes to the changing of a method or the tweaking of…

Waiting For Your Trading Method To Complete Itself – Ep 75

Trading methods and strategies take time to develop. They aren't established overnight. A trader must implement positive habits and enforce discipline in their trading. In this episode of the Optimus Futures Podcast, we discuss the importance of sticking to a trading method and staying patient with its results.

Interview Questions For An Aspiring Trader – Ep 74

With so much information readily available today, it is not always so easy to find helpful information that is both well-grounded and tested. In this episode of the Optimus Futures Podcast, we provide perspective on how an individual should develop themselves as a trader. We'll ask a series of questions in an "interview style" format…

The Importance Of Time In Trading – Ep 73

Time is one of the most important factors in trading. The timing of when you place your trades, whether it be during a particular time throughout the day or during a major news event such as an election, has a tremendous outcome on the potential outcome of that trade. In this episode of the Optimus…

Understanding The Actual Size of a Futures Contract – Ep 72

From a risk perspective, it is extremely important for Futures Traders to consider the notional value of a contract rather than the market value. In this episode of the Optimus Futures Podcast, we discuss the importance of understanding the actual size and value of a Futures contract. Futures contracts are highly leveraged, which means a…