A custom-built integration that delivers fast execution with TrendSpider’s charting and analysis.
TrendSpider's Strategy lets you instantly test any strategy on any futures market with ZERO coding
Simply configure your entry and exit rules, and press go. Check the results, refine, and repeat until you have found your edge.
Search the market for your ideal trading opportunities like you search Google for websites.
Automate your technical analysis grunt work so you can focus on making trading decisions.
TrendSpider automated alerts and bots help you react to the market faster than ever.
Never miss an opportunity to get in or out again simply because you were distracted.
TrendSpider is more than just charts. It's a complete toolkit that has everything you need to be a smarter, faster, more efficient technical trader.
Use unfiltered market data to test, refine and improve any strategy you come up with or come across online.
Put your tedious, time-consuming and error-prone grunt work like charting and scanning on auto-pilot.
Cover more ground in less time with a fully integrated set of tools all in one platform.
Trade planning and analysis tools powered by algorithms, formulas and math, not gut feelings.
Search the market for trading opportunities like you search the web. If you can describe it, you can find it.
Outsource the waiting to the cloud with dynamic price alerts and automated trading bots.
For CME Micros and Minis (Level 1)
No order routing fees*
One-click auto trade uploads
Get real-time actionable insights
For wire deposits over $500
Micro E-mini S&P 500 MES
Micro E-mini Dow Jones NYM
Micro E-mini Russell 2000 M2K
Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 MNQ
E-mini S&P 500 ES
E-mini Dow Jones YM
E-mini Russell 2000 R2K
E-mini Nasdaq-100 NQ
Watch a complete overview of the platform and how it can help you be a more efficient trader
* No Routing fees apply to Optimus Futures/Certigo data only. ** Please refer to our pricing page for more details