Inside the Habits and Methods of Professional Traders who Become Fulltime Traders With Jack Schwager

Jack Schwager, an industry expert in futures trading and author of the book: Unknown Market Wizards, sits down with the founder and CEO of Optimus Futures, Matt Zimberg, to discuss the habits, methods, and ways trading professionals evolve to become full-time traders. What is it like to become a full-time trader, and how do you…

The “Just in Case” Trading Syndrome – Ep 99

When used incorrectly, the use of leverage in futures trading can create poor habits and be catastrophic to one's account. In episode 99 of the Optimus Futures Podcast, we discuss the "Just In Case" Syndrom in futures trading, what exactly this means, and how to avoid it.

Machines Can’t Fix Your Trading Discipline – Ep 98

Discipline is one of the most important factors to any successful trader. Even with the implementation of auto-liquidation features and software handling risk management, a non-disciplined trader may override such implementations and go against grain. In this episode of the Optimus Futures podcast, we breakdown and discuss why machines and software can't fix your trading…

Trading for $ Vs. Trading the Actual Market – Ep 97

Mistakes are inevitable in the trading world. These mistakes can range from emotional, practical, lack of understanding, and much more. Eliminating all your mistakes at once is very difficult and it typically takes practical experience to learn from them. In this podcast, we discuss one of the biggest newcomer mistakes and how to deal with…

Great Trading Advice From 80 Years Ago – Ep 96

With the rapid advancement of technology in the past 50 years, trading has followed suit and rapidly improved as well. Although trading has dramatically changed in the last century, advice given nearly 100 years ago stands today! In episode 96 of The Optimus Futures Podcast, our host Matt Z discusses advice given by a professional…

Successful Traders Only Talk About Their Method – Ep 95

Regardless of the results, both successful and non-successful traders are encountering the same market conditions and odds stacked against them. In episode 95 of The Optimus Futures Podcast, our host, Matt Z, breaks down why successful traders only talk about their method and whether they deviate from it.

The Benefits of Patience and Impatience in Trading – Ep 94

Although cliché, the phrase "Patience is a virtue" reigns true in most facet's of life. When it comes to trading, however, impatience, may be considered a virtue to some as well. In episode 94 of The Optimus Futures Podcast, we discuss the benefits of patience and impatience in trading!

Why Traders do Things That are Totally Outside Their Nature – Ep 93

In times of adversity, some traders act on impulse and do things they normally wouldn't. In episode 93 of the Optimus Futures Podcast, our host discusses the nature of traders and why some traders may do things that are completely outside of their typical habits.

How To Be A Flexible Trader And Improve Your Trading System – Ep 92

At some point in their trading career, most traders reach a point where they go through an internal debate on whether or not they should drop their trading system and find a new one. In episode 92 of The Optimus Futures Podcast, our host Matt Z discusses the importance of staying flexible as a trader…

Self-Directed Trader Vs Wall Street | Round 1 – Ep 91

How does a Self-Directed trader compare to Wall Street? There has been a recent narrative promoted on several forums revolving around the self-directed trader versus Wall Street. This narrative may be leaving a negative psychological impact on traders and we give our thoughts on the subject in this episode of The Optimus Futures Podcast!