How to Set Realistic Trading Goals | Tracking Your Progression as a Trader – Ep 37

Are you satisfied with your progression as a trader? Are you a better trader today then the day you first started? If not, find out how you can set realistic trading goals, formulate a plan that tracks your progress, and execute a trading method for long term sustainability. Beginner Traders Dislike Failure. Professionals know the […]
Commission Free Trading | What it Means for Futures Traders – Ep 36

This podcast covers the industry’s shift towards a commission-free trading model for stocks, how the big brokerages are really making money, and if it has any impact on futures traders. Professional day traders that trade frequently will prefer to trade via routes that avoid slippage, narrow ranges and other factors that would affect their executions. […]
FCM VS Futures Broker | What Traders Need to Know – Ep 35

What exactly is the difference between an FCM (Futures Commission Merchant) and a futures broker? Find out which arrangement best suits your needs when it comes to opening a live trading account. Click here to join the discussion in our Community: What is the difference between a futures IB and an FCM? For more, watch […]